At PeaceBrooke, we believe...

in one true God who is the Creator of all things, all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful, present at all times and places, holy, just, merciful, patient, slow to anger, faithful, loving and kind.
...that God is love, a Trinity of three divine persons who loved one another before time began, who created mankind and other beings to be recipients of their love, and to love them in return.  Although the three persons of the Trinity are co-equal in divine attributes, they are of one essence, love and purpose.
in God the Father, from whom the Son was begotten before time, and the Spirit eternally proceeds, and who is therefore loved, worshiped and obeyed by God the Son and God the Spirit. 
in God the Son, Jesus Christ; that salvation is possible only through Him; in His eternal pre-existence, conception by the Holy Spirit, virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension, and future visible return.
in God the Holy Spirit; in new birth by Him and in His present ministry to grant the fruit and gifts of the Spirit.
that we are saved by God’s grace through faith, not by works. However, true saving faith bears the fruit of good works.
that all men are sinners by disposition and/or choice, and may be made righteous only in Christ.
that human life and personhood begin at conception.
in the fellowship of all born-again believers in one universal church.
in the everlasting spiritual life of the redeemed.
that God will judge all men, both saved and lost, for the deeds done in the body.  There the saved will be rewarded for good works done in love.  Though they will not be condemned or punished for their sins, they will suffer loss of reward.  Those who are lost will be condemned to everlasting punishment for their sins because they refused to trust in God's only begotten son Jesus, selfishly and disobediently loving sin, themselves, other things, or other persons more than God.
in the bodily resurrection of all mankind.
in a glorious age to come in which the saints will never again experience pain, sorrow, sin or death.
that all sexual relationships outside of heterosexual marriage are wrong in God's eyes, even if between heterosexual persons, and even if legal or approved by the state.
in the inerrancy, infallibility, and historicity of the Bible as written in the original autographs.
... that scripture should be understood according to "the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints" summarized in the early ecumenical creeds. 
in the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and believer's baptism by immersion.