Spiritual Help for Christians Suffering From OCD

Here at PeaceBrooke, our specialty is providing spiritual and Biblical help to those suffering from the unwanted, intrusive thoughts that characterize OCD, and which are the inner motivations for compulsions.

As a young man, I suffered a severe attack of intrusive thoughts. It was so severe that I had to temporarily drop out of college. In gracious answer to the prayers of family and friends, God delivered me from the OCD however, and it was entirely through a deeper understanding of scripture.

With time, God gave me an even deeper understanding of the scriptures and passages that He had used to deliver me, and many more related scriptures besides. Each time OCD would try to raise its ugly head against me, I would apply and meditate on those scriptures, and the OCD would go away.

Eventually I decided to share those scriptural principles with others through some web articles. To my great surprise, the web counter revealed that 14,000 people per month were visiting the page! Many people wrote to me thanking me for the articles, and others recommended and linked to them. Thanks belongs to the Holy Spirit however, because He is the one who opened the eyes of my understanding of these passages. Soon people who needed additional spiritual help began to write and call me. As I spoke and corresponded with them, the Holy Spirit revealed to me more truths from His Word to enable me to help them, and that is how my counseling ministry began.

Here is the web article that has helped so many people:

Help for Christians Who Have Difficulty Controlling Their Thoughts

If you are suffering from blasphemous thoughts regarding the Holy Spirit, you may also want to read the following article:

What Is The Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit?

And here is another that I have recently written:

Are You a Christian Suffering From Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts (OCD)? Here's Some Biblical Advice to Help You Overcome Them.

What a joy it has been to see people who have been caught in the trap of OCD experiencing the peace and release that God’s Word brings! If you are a Christian who is suffering from OCD and need counseling, I’d like to help. You can sign up here for a biblical counseling session.

If you are currently taking medication for OCD, I do not recommend that you quit taking it. Nor do I recommend that you stop seeing your doctor when you sign up for Biblical counseling with me. Let it serve as a spiritual compliment to your medical help. If you experience sufficient relief from OCD as a result of the Biblical counseling, then you and your doctor can discuss if going off the medicine is the right thing to do.

Rusty Entrekin
Biblical Counselor
PeaceBrooke Biblical Counseling