New Client Data Inventory Form

Dear New Client,

Welcome to PeaceBrooke Biblical Counseling!  This form must be filled out by or for each counselee.  Adult counselees must sign it electronically. In the case of a minor or an adult under legal guardianship, the parent or guardian must sign it.  However, the counselee can fill it out—or the parent or guardian can interview the counselee to fill it out, if that seems appropriate.

If you are simply going to be an observer of the counseling process, please do not fill out this form. However, you must sign Peacebrooke's Terms, Conditions & Privacy Notice/Agreement.  Click here to read and sign it.

Please plan to take at least 15 minutes to fill out this form.  All required questions are marked with an asterisk (*)If any of the questions that are not required don't apply to the service you have requested, or you do not want to answer them, you can skip them.  Though you do not have to answer all of the questions that apply to your situation, it is highly recommended that you do so for the following reasons:

  1. It will save you money, because your counselor will need to ask you fewer questions during counseling sessions.
  2. It will enable your counselor to get to know you better so that he or she can counsel you more effectively, be more empathetic, and better meet your needs.

Your counselor has had his or her fair share of let-downs, failures, and struggles, so please do not be concerned that your counselor will judge you or look down on you because of any information that you share here.  We are ALL error-prone human beings in need of God’s help, mercy, and forgiveness.  Your counselor has found help in his or her own life through Christ and His inspired Word, and wants to help you find it, too!  Filling out this form will better enable your counselor to do that.